Humble Bee Baby Balance Tricycle Bike was made just for simple fun!
Our Humble Bee Balance Bike allows children to focus on balancing rather than pedaling. Steel balance bike develops their coordination and confidence, making the transition to a pedal bike much easier.
Created with ultra light and supreme quality, Humble Bee bikes provide pleasure that lasts for both you and your kids.
Designed as no-pedal bike, kids need to use their own feet to reach the ground and move their feet to push the baby balance bike. Most kids could have no fear and ride this bike easily because they can place their feet solidly on the ground. This one year old gift for boy girls not only exercises kids legs strength but also teaches them how to ride a bike. If your baby can walk or start to walk, this bike would be a great gift for him/her to start walking and riding, since this bike could help them enhance their balance, coordination, and steer abilities at an early age.
With baby balance bike, parents can enjoy happiness with kids.
- Humble Bee baby balance bike encourages kids to use their arms and legs while moving. It can not only bring your kids much fun but also build up their confidence, strength, and coordination in an easy and safe way.
- Your baby will be very active and love cycling at a very early age, unlike other kids who only loves playing with smart-phone or tablet indoor.
- Great toddler toys choice for 12-36 month old boy girl, first birthday, Children's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, New Year, Baby Shower gift.
The Benefits of riding the Toddler Balance Bike:
- Toddler Balance Bike can effectively exercise the baby's balance, the baby needs to find their own balance with both feet on the ground, so that their feet muscles can be exercised.
- Exercise the baby's self-confidence, balance bike is like a child's extreme sports, if they can freely master the balance bike, their self-confidence has a great inspiration.
- At the same time relatively simple, not complicated to learn, is a good transition product for babies to learn to walk.
- Age Range: 1-3 Years Old
- Max Weight: 73 lbs
- Net Weight: 3.5 lbs
- Assembly Time: 1-3 mins
- Versatile: Outdoor & Indoor Use
- Benefits for Kids: Balance, Depth Perception, Core Strength