Below are our wholesale marketplace partners where you can sign up and enjoy their unique terms and benefits*.
We are committed to providing help to communities in need and supporting those committed to keeping us safe and healthy. Since the brand inception, Humble-Bee has donated more than $200,000 worth of products and supplies to disaster recovery and, most recently, frontline healthcare providers fighting the pandemic. We thank you for the partnership and looking forward to grow our relationship!
Featured in Forbes, The New York Times, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider, Faire is an online wholesale marketplace that offers "easy reordering", "free returns", and "net 60 terms". Visit our Faire Storefront.
Featured on TechCrunch, CNBC, Internet Retailer, and SmallBizDaily, Tundra offers "free shipping", "best price guaranteed", and "net 60 terms" for qualified organizations. Visit our Tundra Storefront.
*For orders placed through 3rd party platforms, please refer to their individual terms and services.
If you have any question, or if you would like to order directly from us, please send us an email at We will be happy to assist you.